Lions Multiple District 6 Logo


Lions Clubs International - We Serve logo

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About US

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Multiple District (MD) 6 has a long history with Lions Clubs International (LCI). LCI was founded in 1917 (watch Centennial videos) by Melvin Jones; MD 6 was the sixth state to charter clubs that same year. In fact there are three clubs still in existence today, in Colorado, that were chartered in 1917, Colorado Springs Downtown, Denver Den, and Pueblo Charter.

Lions motto is "We Serve". While vision is the primary focus of Lions, each club has special areas they focus on. For some it may be screening children for sight problems, scholarships for high school seniors or non-traditional students or providing or updating playground equipment. Lions also assist when a natural disaster occurs.

If you are interested in becoming a member please follow the links provided for Joining a Club or contact the State Office Manager to assist you with finding a Lions Club in your area you would like to visit. As Melvin Jones said "You can't get very far until you start doing something for somebody else."

Find a club in your area link