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MD6 Entities

Colorado Lions Camp Logo

The Colorado Lions Camp was first designed as a blind camp only in the early years.  Now the Camp serves over 350 campers with a variety of disabilities: hearing and visually impaired, Down Syndrome, Developmentally Delayed, Autism, Aspergers Syndrome, ADD/ADHD, and many other physical and mental disabilities that may challenge our campers. For more information, go to Colorado Lions Camp. 

The Colorado Lions Camp is accredited by the American Camp Association.

American camp Accredidation Logo

The Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (COLERC), is a nonprofit (501 c-3) of the MD6 Lions of Colorado which participates in the Lions Clubs International "Recycle For Sight" program. 

The mission of the COLERC is threefold:

For more information go to COLERC.

Colorado Lions Foundation Logo

The purpose of the Colorado Lions Foundation, a 501(c3), is to provide annual Educational Scholarships, provide matching funds and grants for humanitarian projects, provide for special promotions (i.e. Humanitarian Awards, Ann Sullivan Awards, Helen Keller Awards, Sustaining Member Program and Family Membership Grants), and manage the asset base of the foundation which includes the Colorado Lions Camp real estate and various accounts with specific designations and objectives. For more information go to Colorado Lions Foundation 

Colorado Kidsight Logo

The Colorado Lions KidSight Vision Screening Program provides free vision screening and follow-up for children six months through six years.  The program also provides information and education to parents about the importance of good vision for children. For more information go to Kidsight Colorado. For Spanish language, go to Espanol Kidsight Colorado.

Rocky Mountain Lions Eye bank Logo

The Lions of Colorado and Wyoming founded the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank in 1982. Beginning with just a handful of donors, the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank is now recognized the world over for its eye banking expertise. In any language, RMLEB means service, quality and compassion. Our extensive international network has allowed eye donors from Colorado and Wyoming to restore sight to thousands of people throughout the world. For more information go to Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank

The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank is accredited by the Eye Bank Association of America.

Eye bank of America Association Logo
Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation

This Foundation was organized in 1990 by the Lions of both CO and WY to serve as the legal entity through which the Lions from both states could raise the funding that the Lions had committed to cover 1/2 the construction cost of the building in which RMLEI is located at the Univ of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Aurora CO which opened in 2001. We continue to provide a portion of the cost of additional necessary equipment used in the operation of the Clinic and Medical School teaching. For more information go to Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute Foundation