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Educational Scholarship Endowment Fund

The purpose of the Colorado Lions Foundation's Educational Scholarship Endowment Fund is to provide undergraduate educational scholarship funds to legal citizens within the State of Colorado and MD-6 who may or may not be associated with a Lion, Lioness or Leo. A Lioness or Lions Club is required to sponsor any applicant for this Scholarship.

Scholarship Eligibility

To be considered for an Educational Scholarship, an individual must be:

Online Application Process

Before registering and applying:,

Application Opens: February 1st.

Application Deadline for Completion: April 12th, 11:59pm

Multiple $2,500 Awards Announced: May

Please contact the MD6 Scholarship Committee Chair David Parker 970-355-9164 or email: for additional information.

Scholarship Graduation cap

You may review the application requirements by selecting "Apply Online" below.

Club Responsibilities for Sponsoring A Scholarship Applicant

In the event an applicant you sponsored should receive one of the scholarships:

There is no limit as to the number of scholarship applicants a club may sponsor.

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