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Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycle Program

Colorado Lions MD6 participates in the Lions Clubs International "Recycle For Sight" program by collecting used eyeglasses. In Colorado, after used glasses have been collected by clubs, they are separated by type (broken (unusable), non-prescription sunglasses, readers, specialty including prescription sunglasses, and all usable prescription glasses and sent to the Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (COLERC) for further processing. At COLERC, all usable prescription glasses are cleaned, scanned to determine the optics of each pair and sorted by prescription. They are then boxed for distribution to various organizations who distribute them in the U.S. and around the world to people that do not have access to glasses. 

To request recycled eyeglasses, download an Order Form Here . Complete the order form and email to the address on the form.

Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center logo

Colorado Donations Locations

Many vision centers across Colorado have collection boxes in which used eyeglasses may be dropped off. The following map has some of the drop off locations. 

Used hearing aids may also be dropped off in the eyeglass collection box. They are then sent to the Sterling Lions Club in Sterling, CO to be reconditioned.

Recycle for Sight Colorado Donation Locations
Hearing Aid Recycling link