MD6 State Convention (107th)
May 2-3, 2025
Convention Location
Book A Room
We have a room block reserved at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Denver for May 2, 2025 through May 4, 2025. Booking your room is simple, just select "Book a Room" to receive your group's preferred rate.
MD6 Convention Registration Form

MD6 Proposed By-Law Changes
The Lions International standards for 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 have been used to make the majority of the changes to the document.
The 2023-2024 changes are in Purple. The 2024-2025 changes are in Blue.
There was also an attempt to identify the areas of the document that are local to MD6. This is for future reviewers. This green color will not be removed.
The Bylaws Article II, Appointment of Council Chairperson has been updated to clear up the wording to more clearly document our MD6 practices. (This will be mostly green when and if approved.)
The following describes the major deletions:
The 2 paragraph deletion in Constitution, Article VII Section 1 was a duplicate section. The duplicate information is in the convention sections.
The entire dispute resolution procedure, Article VII, was replaced with a reference to the LCI Dispute Resolution Procedures. This is directly from the MD Standard document.

Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (COLERC) Proposed Constitution and By-Laws
This is the initial version of the Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycle Center (COLERC) Constitution and By-Laws, approved by the COLERC Board of Trustees, submitted for approval by Colorado Lions at the 2025 MD6 State Convention.
If approved, the current Board of Trustees will schedule the elections of 4 District Trustees and 1 At-Large Trustee at the 2026 District Conventions and MD6 State Convention.